July 24, 2024
what is slippage in crypto

What is Slippage in Crypto & How Does it Work

Slippage is a term used in the crypto industry to describe the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price. It occurs when the market moves faster than the trader can execute their order. Slippage can be a major problem for traders, especially when dealing large orders. It can eat into profits or even turn a profitable trade into a loss. In this post, we will explore what slippage is, how it affects traders, and what can be done to avoid it.

What is slippage?

Slippage is the difference between the price at which a trader places an order and the price at which it is executed. Slippage often occurs during periods of high volatility when orders are placed on exchanges with low liquidity. For example, if a trader places a buy order for 10 Bitcoin (BTC) at $10,000 and the order is only partially filled at $9,900, then the trader has experienced a slippage of $100.

In the crypto markets, slippage is often more pronounced due to the higher volatility and lower liquidity. For this reason, many traders use limit orders rather than market orders in order to control slippage. Limit orders guarantee that an order will be filled at a specific price or better, but they may not be filled immediately if there is insufficient liquidity in the market.

How Does Slippage Work in Crypto?

Slippage is the difference between the price at which a market order is filled and the expected price. Slippage often occurs during periods of high volatility, when there is a lack of liquidity in the market, or when a large order is placed.

Your trade is executed at the best price when you place a market order. However, if the market is volatile or there is low liquidity, the price at which your order is filled may differ from the last traded or quoted price. This difference is called slippage.

Slippage can also occur when you place a large order. If you try to buy or sell a large amount of cryptocurrency all at once, finding enough sellers or buyers to fill your entire order may not be possible. As a result, your order may be filled at different prices, resulting in slippage.

Why Is Slippage Important In Cryptocurrency?

Slippage is important in crypto because it can lead to price manipulation. If a large order is placed on a market, it can cause the price to spike up or down, depending on which way the order is placed. This can lead to traders losing money if they’re not careful.

Slippage can also occur when there’s a lot of trading activity in a short period. This can cause prices to move around rapidly, and if you’re not paying attention, you could buy or sell at a price different from what you expected.

For these reasons, it’s important to be aware of slippage and how it can affect your trades. If you’re not sure what the price of a particular coin will be, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and either buy or sell at a limit below or above the current market price. That way, even if there is some slippage, you won’t lose out too much.

How Can You Avoid Slippage In Crypto?

Slippage occurs when a market price suddenly moves before an order is filled. As cryptocurrency markets are still relatively new, they have the potential to experience large price swings. Therefore, investors must take steps to protect themselves from slippage. Here are some tips to avoid slippage when trading cryptocurrency:

Limit Orders

One way to mitigate the risk of trading on a crypto exchange is to use limit orders and slippage tolerances. Your order is rejected when a price moves out of your slippage tolerance. However, if the price moves in your favor, the exchange will fill your order at a higher price. Traders should use platforms that offer adjustable slippage tolerances, such as Uniswap.

Slippage is caused by a lack of liquidity in the market. If a large amount of money is placed on a coin, the exchange might be unable to fill it. This is called high-volume slippage. It can occur when a massive order, such as a multimillion-dollar order for Cardano, comes into the market. The exchange will try everything to match the order, even jumping a bit to fill a part of it. Slippage can be either positive or negative, depending on the price.


The concept of front-running is not new to the crypto world. The idea of using front-running to steal funds from another trader is as old as the cryptocurrency itself. However, the use of front-running in crypto has its limitations. There are several ways to combat front-running attacks. The first way is to use decentralized exchanges.

In a front-running transaction, an observer can view a transaction before it is included in a block. Because all transactions are recorded in a mempool before they are processed, a front-runner can access the transaction data before the first transaction. An observer can also broadcast a second transaction while the first is in transition. As a result, the attacker can gain an advantage and win the contest.

A major concern about front-running in crypto involves the use of insider information. In traditional markets, front-running is prohibited, but this is not the case with crypto exchanges. Although the crypto space is growing rapidly, the need for oversight of trading platforms remains high.

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